
Taking the Leap: Why I'm Moving to Vietnam and What It Means for My Future

Taking the Leap: Why I'm Moving to Vietnam and What It Means for My Future

Homo sapiens. Sapiens—from the word wisdom. We’re the only species that knows, with absolute certainty, that someday we’re going to die. Maybe that’s a burden, or maybe it’s a gift—one only we get to experience. For me, that awareness has become a quiet driver, something that constantly hums in the background, nudging me to ask: What do I want to do with the time I’ve been given?

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Psychological Safety in DevOps: How SRE Principles Can Help Remote and Hybrid Teams Build Resilient Cultures

Psychological Safety in DevOps: How SRE Principles Can Help Remote and Hybrid Teams Build Resilient Cultures

Have you ever been in a meeting where you desperately wanted to speak up, but the fear of being judged was so paralyzing that you stayed silent?

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